Versatile, Affordable, Quality Photography

Headshots, Portraits, Family Photos, Party/Event Photography

Car Photoshoots

A flexible photographer for your unique schedule and needs

Personal Photography


While other photographers will charge you unreasonable prices and might not meet your expectations, I am accommodating while not breaking the bank, all while delivering a high quality product.

Headshot Portraits

For use for your job, social media, or any publication in which you need a photo. You receive multiple quality headshots with different expressions and backgrounds, to provide a sharp image and a great first impression.

Party & Event Photography

I will come to your event or party for as long as you wish to get photos for use on your website or social media, or simply to commemorate a good time. Whether it be a baby shower or a corporate party, I am flexible to your event.

Family Photos

I’ll do a photoshoot with your family to capture a moment in time, whether it be for a Christmas card or whatever you need. Choose your setting, whether it be your own house, the beach, or a park, I’ll meet you there.

Car Photography

A Photoshoot for your Car

Not everyone sees your car the same way you do, but a photoshoot can help capture the awe you feel. I work with you to plan your photoshoot, so every little detail you love of your car, whether it be the rear wing, a vanity license plate, or even a small detail you added is captured. After an extensive photoshoot, you will be delivered a moment of your car frozen in time.

Orange and Blue Mclaren

“Elliot is extremely professional and mature way beyond his years. He has a keen eye for composition and detail which enables him to capture unique and compelling images. I look forward to working with him again in the future.”

-Christopher C.


“Elliot is a very professional and talented young man with an easy going demeanor who made our trainees feel comfortable while taking their head shots. I would recommend him for any type of photography headshots, family photos, or special events.”

-Deb R. Executive Director Coffee For Good, Greenwich CT

“I really loved the way that the photos turned out and I was very pleased with the results. It’s my first car and I really like how it was captured and I totally recommend you go to Ernest if you want clean pics of a car. The way that the detail was captured was awesome and the fact that the car stands out in the full shots is amazing.”

-Dimitri C.

Capture a moment of your life